Friday, December 10, 2010

40m dipole up finally

After the small pile up of JA's got their Q's on 20m SSB and PSK31 this morning, at 930am local time or 2330 UTC I did the game of "let's get the 40m dipole up" again.

In blazing sun and ridiculous humidity I was able to get it up at a lower height but it's in the clear with a good SWR and a LOT LOT LOT less noise than the vertical. So tonight I'll try for North America on SSB, RTTY and PSK31 in the 0900-1300 UTC period.

1 comment:

  1. Really surprised no copy 7094 1100z.

    I guess hope for our short 20m opening?
    Your schedule after 1300z. I show prop 1530-1630z possible.

    I was here from 0900z on and looks like you had a good 15m EU opening at least.
